by Pedro Gomes | Jul 5, 2021 | Frontpage Blog, News, Race Report
It’s incredibly easy to write a blog entry about a successful race, so I will keep this relatively short on the race happenings and focus on other aspects of racing and training. On June 24th I raced IRONMAN Coeur d’Alene and placed 3rd place in a time of...
by Pedro Gomes | Nov 9, 2020 | Frontpage Blog, News, Race Report
The year is 2020. The world is in the midst of a pandemic. Covid19 has been the cause of a yearlong of races and events cancelations. But it is now November and Ironman Florida, in sunny Panama City Beach, is a go! First full distance Ironman in the U.S. this year and...
by Pedro Gomes | Sep 28, 2020 | Articles, Frontpage Blog, Race Report
Não sei precisar de onde surgiu a ideia, mas num ano de pandemia onde todas as provas de triatlo foram canceladas ou estão em suspenso, eu precisava de um estímulo, um objetivo desportivo em que me focar. Aqui e ali já tinha ouvido falar deste desafio de atravessar o...
by | Jan 22, 2020 | Frontpage Blog, Race Report
For those familiar with this (informal) event, you may skip this first paragraph. To others, The Coast Ride is a gathering of cyclists in North California – who later become best buddies – which takes place every year around the third week of January and...
by | Nov 4, 2019 | Frontpage Blog, News, Race Report
This past Saturday I raced and finished IRONMAN Florida with a time of 8h11 scoring another Top 10. If there’s one certainty about Ironman racing nowadays is that every single event with a professional field will attract a huge amount of talent and incredible...
by | Sep 4, 2019 | News, Race Report
When the opportunity to race the Changsha International Triathlon first popped, I must admit I was skeptical for a minute but accepted the challenge on the next. I do love to travel and get to know new cultures – a common theme among all professional athletes who...